Instant Shade Umbrellas were proud to provide our 3m square café series market umbrellas, and 2.8m square Aurora Cantilever umbrellas, to the 2017 Alfa Romeo Portsea Polo.
Our café series market umbrellas were showcased in a stylish, crisp white providing shade and shelter with their UV resistant and water repellent canopies. We also provided branded outdoor umbrellas for Alfa Romeo, the primary sponsor for the Portsea Polo.
Our quality market umbrellas can be custom printed, and looked fabulous with the Alfa Romeo logo on them. The café series market umbrellas are easy to open and close with a rope and pulley system, and are lightweight with anodized aluminium frames.

We also provided our 2.8m square Aurora Cantilever umbrellas in Natural, which were part of the Alfa Romeo corporate marquee area. Our outdoor cantilever umbrellas can rotate a full 360 degrees to maximize shade coverage, plus have unlimited tilt positions along the mast. With a very easy to use design, and a canopy that can fold neatly against the mast when not in use, this was the perfect shade umbrella option for the 2017 Alfa Romeo Portsea Polo.

For more product information on our Commercial Café Series umbrellas click here:
For more product information on our Aurora Cantilever umbrellas click here: